I've been so busy making memories for everyone else that I have been neglecting my family. I took my girls with me on a shoot for a friend and took some of them beforehand. Starting in January I'm going to be slowing down a bit so I can focus on the reason I got into photography to begin with, these little ones...

Please, if you are looking to book a shoot with me, please do it in advance. I won't be able to squeeze in several shoots a week anymore. Lots of love!

Please, if you are looking to book a shoot with me, please do it in advance. I won't be able to squeeze in several shoots a week anymore. Lots of love!
Suzanne, I LOVE your photos. You are amazing! If you ever decide to do mentoring, please let me know!
These are so cute! I am so glad you will be slowing down. It's about time :) I am sad we didn't get to see you tonight but you shouldn't be...the movie was terrible!
Cute Cute CUTE!
I am in total agreement with Denise in her comment about mentoring! You are an amazing photographer and truly an inspiration to me in how much you have progressed and accomplished in such a short time :) Thanks again for the inspiration I find in your photographs :) PS How do you get your kids to be so cooperative all the time? They are adorable!
Love Lu running with her tongue out, how cute is that? And the second one... priceess!
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